So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project : 2020~

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project : use Compact Disk Display Simulation 1 (가변설치) We are stars. We are one. We are the world.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project : use Compact Disk Display Simulation 2 (가변설치) We are stars. We are one. We are the world.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project : use Compact Disk Display Simulation 3 (가변설치) We are stars. We are one. We are the world.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project 12×12cm, Sharpie on Compact Disc, 2021.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project 12×12cm, Sharpie on Compact Disc, 2021.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project 12×12cm, Sharpie on Compact Disc, 2021.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project 12×12cm, Sharpie on Compact Disc, 2021.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project 12×12cm, Sharpie on Compact Disc, 2021.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project 12×12cm, Sharpie on Compact Disc, 2021.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project 12×12cm, Sharpie on Compact Disc, 2021.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project 12×12cm, Sharpie on Compact Disc, 2021.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project 12×12cm, Sharpie on Compact Disc, 2021.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project 12×12cm, Sharpie on Compact Disc, 2021.

So-Jeok-Hwa - Starry Starry Night Upcycling Art Project 12×12cm, Sharpie on Compact Disc, 2021.
ⓒ 2014. Taeyoung Kim All rights reserved.